You don't need to have extra hundreds of dollars to start saving. You can start even with just a dollar every day. So, enter money saving challenges! Not only are they effective in making sure we’re hitting a savings target, but they can help us build a savings habit through consistent regular practice. #moneytips #moneysavingchallenge #savemoney #52week #moneychallenges #moneyhacks

You don't need to have extra hundreds of dollars to start saving. You can start even with just a dollar every day. So, enter money saving challenges! Not only are they effective in making sure we’re hitting a savings target, but they can help us build a savings habit through consistent regular practice. #moneytips #moneysavingchallenge #savemoney #52week #moneychallenges #moneyhacks

from Michelle Schroeder-Gardner at Making Sense of Cents


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