When you start earning six figures, don't fall victim to lifestyle inflation and forget about where all your money is going. People from all income levels should always stay on top of their money, track spending and work towards a long term financial plan. Your life depends on it. #sixfigureearner #sixfigure #salary #lifestyleinflation #budgetips #spendingtips #moneytips #financialtips

When you start earning six figures, don't fall victim to lifestyle inflation and forget about where all your money is going. People from all income levels should always stay on top of their money, track spending and work towards a long term financial plan. Your life depends on it. #sixfigureearner #sixfigure #salary #lifestyleinflation #budgetips #spendingtips #moneytips #financialtips

from Michelle Schroeder-Gardner at Making Sense of Cents https://ift.tt/2o0jSc9


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