When your student loan debt hurts so bad that you want to cry, these student loans memes and tweets will remind you that we’re all in this together… all 44.7 million of us. Seriously, student loan debt sucks. It’s a deep, dark void that unites us all. And next to destroying your debt, the next best thing is to laugh at it. Here are 29 of the funniest student loan memes that we can all relate to: #meme #M$M #studentloandebt

When your student loan debt hurts so bad that you want to cry, these student loans memes and tweets will remind you that we’re all in this together… all 44.7 million of us. Seriously, student loan debt sucks. It’s a deep, dark void that unites us all. And next to destroying your debt, the next best thing is to laugh at it. Here are 29 of the funniest student loan memes that we can all relate to: #meme #M$M #studentloandebt

from Michelle Schroeder-Gardner at Making Sense of Cents https://ift.tt/2ZCOd1j


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